This is STEP 2 of 4. The goal of this step is to join the 7 "WorkHorse" Programs that you will use to create your "Advertpage" in Step 3. By simply showing this "Advertpage" on the autosurf programs, you will earn credits in all 7 programs. This step (Step 2) will give you an opportunity to learn about each program, what it has to offer, and why it was selected. It is absolutely necessary to complete every part of Step 2 before moving to Step 3.

Here are a few simple steps to follow in joining each program:

1. Read the description that I have provided.
2. Click the link to join the program. Clicking the link will open a new browser window.
3. Complete and submit the joining form.
4. Check your email, and activate your account for the program.
5. Login to your new account.
6. Surf at least the minimum number of pages to fully activate your account. Activation surfing requirements can be found within each of the workhorse programs.

** NOTE: If you are already a member of any of these programs, note your user information fo that program so that you can complete Step 3 later. **


Hits-A-Million (HITSAM) is a one-of-a-kind manual traffic exchange that is well used, well established, and well managed. I have personally worked with the owner of HITSAM for years, and 4 STEPS is honored to have HITSAM aboard. HITSAM was established in May 2003, and has grown into one of the best traffic exchanges on the internet. Features include games, trivia, and bonus pages to encourage active surfers. Members get .005 credits for each 24 hour unique refer page view. HITSAM also offers some outstanding pro membership and credit prices.
Why Hits-A-Million was selected:Exceptionally run traffic exchange, responsive admin, great prices, instant surfing link, well known owner.


Hittoad is one of the most unique manual-only traffic exchanges on the internet. I am the owner of Hittoad. Hittoad uses a Cumulative Bonus Page system that completely does away with surf ratios. Hittoad is growing rapidly and is quickly becoming a key player in the traffic exchange game. Free members get a whopping .10 credits for each refer page show up to 200 shows per day. As a pro member, you get the same .10 credits per refer page show, but you get a higher number credited page shows per day. Hittoad is well established and "hopping" with active members.
Why Hittoad was selected:Responsive and seasoned admin, unique surfing system, excellent refer page view bonuses, well established, LJ script, instant surf page.


FreeTrafficLotto is another manual-only traffic exchange that I own. FreeTrafficLotto offers something no other traffic exchange offers - a free lotto game ticket that you play every 8 pages that you surf. You can win cash, credits, banner imps, and textlink exposures with every ticket, and about 1 out of every 7 tickets wins so the more you surf, the more you win. FreeTrafficLotto has been around for since 2006, and has a huge membership base. Free members get .30 credits for every refer pageview, up to 200 refer pageviews per day. Pro members get the same .30 credits per refer pageview, but with a higher maximum number of refer pageviews per day. As a free member, you get a 1:3 surf ratio plus .25 banners and .25 text links for every page viewed with a 15 second timer. As a pro, you get an outstanding 1:1 surf ratio plus .5 banner and .5 textlink for every page that you surf, a 10 second timer, and 1500 credits (=500 pageviews) per month. Of course I am biased, but FreeTrafficLOTTO is a truly excellent traffic exchange. I really like this traffic exchange because it is well managed, creative, has great prices on pro membership ($5) and great prices on buying credits.
Why FreeTrafficLotto was selected:Unique Lotto Game, unique point system, well established, very clean surfing, fast traffic delivery, and superior pro membership benefits. Superior customer service, excellent look, very clean surfing, fast traffic delivery.


TrafficExchangeMatrix is my newest traffic exchange. It combines traffic exchanging with a weekly matrix. Earn a matrix entry each day simply by surfing. Every week, each of your matrix entries gets randomly shuffled, which means that you have a chance to win big prizes every week. Every matrix entry wins. TEM rewards surfers with .05 manual surf credits and .02 BluePoints every time you show your refer page up to 200 times per day. It is platformed on the most advanced TE script money can buy, and growing fast. There is a respectable sign-up bonus which includes manual surf credits, banner credits, textlink credits, and bluepoints. As TEM owner, I strive to provide top notch support with unique features.
Why TrafficExchangeMatrix was selected:Unique features, great refer page rewards, proven admin

The next 2 programs are the banner exchanges and the text exchange. They offer excellent exchange ratios, move credits very quickly, and have large membership bases (so more people see your banner ads and text links).

Here are a few simple steps to follow in joining each program:

1. Read the description that I have provided.
2. Click the link to join the program.
3. Complete the joining form. You might consider using the same username and email address for all of the programs that you join.
4. Submit the joining form.
5. Check your email, and click the activation link.
6. Login to your new account, and explore the programs' features.
7. Use the following URL as your website: http://freewebs.com (this can be changed later).
8. Find the Banner Code or the HTML Code. You will need to record the username or user id number found in this code on your REFERENCE PAGE.



1800Banners is a well established and lucrative banner exchange which caters to large programs with active memberships like 4 STEPS. They offer a revenue sharing system that allows you to earn cash from showing their banner on your Advertpage. Additionally, you earn a percentage of the banners that your referrals show to 3 levels. 1800Banners allows you to block unwanted ad campaigns from being shown on your Advertpage.

Information you will need later: User Number


TrafficG is best known as one of the premier manual traffic exchanges on the internet. TrafficG offers, as one of its many free benefits, a superior banner exchange service. Earn 0.5 credits for every banner show. TrafficG has a huge and active membership. The referral program offers 50 manual traffic credits for every referral, which can be converted to 1250 banner credits. Refer others to TrafficG to receive banner credits from you downline - 25%, 10%, 10%.

Information you will need later: Username AND 5-Digit User ID Number.

NOTE: To get your 5-Digit User ID Number for your advertpage, you will need to access your "banner exchanger website code." There is a 5-digit number in that code. DO NOT use your TrafficG username.


Adsvert is a text link exchange. Every time you show the Adverts Ad, you will receive 3 text link credits. Text ads have been shown to produce excellent advertising results, and Adsvert will give your text ads massive internet exposure. Refer others to Adverts to receive credits on 5 downline levels - 50%, 20%, 10%, 10%, 10%. Adsvert is able to offer such outstanding benefits because they show 6 ads on the Adsvert Ad at a time. Adsvert is owned and managed by TrafficG, so commitment to quality traffic is the rule.
Information you will need later:Username.

Remember that you do not have to surf to get these credits. All you have to do is promote your advertpage in a bunch of autosurfs. EVERY TIME you show your "Advertpage" to a unique visitor on an autosurf, you get credits. Below is the breakdown and the totals.

Program Name

manual credits


banner credits

text credits









































Believe it! You will receive those credits EVERY TIME you automatically show your "Advertpage" on the 4steps autosurfs. Just set your advertpage to be shown on the autosurfs and watch those credits automatically accumulate on the workhorse programs. You do not have to surf to earn the credits. The only thing you have to do to keep those credits accumulating is to keep autosurf credits assigned to your advertpage and keep your autosurf memberships active. Later, after you complete the 4 steps, 4STEPS will provide you with an easy way to keep up with all of your programs.

At this point, you have picked out your "chosen programs" (those programs that you ultimately want to promote), and you have joined 7 "WorkHorse" progarms (4 manual traffic exchanges, 2 banner exchanges, and 1 text link exchange). Now, you should be ready to create your "Advertpage."

Step 3 will have you submit a simple form which includes your user information for each of the workhorse programs above. You will then be given a link to your Advertpage site. Step 4 will then provide you a list of programs that you can promote your advertpage on to automatically earn credits on the 7 workhorse programs. All of this is free. Begin Step 3 ONLY after you have completely finished Step 1 and Step 2.