• You have your doubts about the 4 STEPS traffic system.
  • You want some proof that this actually works.
  • You do not believe that you can get something for free.
  • You have been burned by MLM programs and Downline Builders.
  • You like to have sufficient information before joining any programs.
  • You just do not believe that 4 STEPS is different.
  • You want to "test the waters" before jumping in.
  • You are intrigued by the possibilities, but you need to see the program in action.

    If any of the above statements apply to you, then you have found the right page! Following the steps on this page will require very little time and effort, but it will show you the true potential of the 4 STEPS program. I assure you that you will be ready to use every service that 4 STEPS has to offer after completing this "Tire Kicker" section.

    I want to earn your confidence because completing the 4 STEPS program requires a fair amount of time and effort. This "Tire Kicker" section will help you to cast those doubts aside.

    Basically, you will join 3 programs. One of the programs will be a manual traffic exchange (with advanced cheat protection) that offers credits for showing its referral page. The other 2 programs are autosurfs that offer a burst of free joining credits. You will use these free joining credits to show your manual traffic exchange URL thousands of times, which will give you a burst of manual exchange credits. Going through this Tire Kicker section will convince you that 4 STEPS is simply incredible.

    STEP 1
    Join TrafficExchangeMatrix
    Join aWolf (Get 4000 credits for joining)
    Join Zion Traffic (Get 5000 credits for joining)

    STEP 2
    Go to the email address that you used to join the programs. Check your email and find the activation email that each program sent to you. From that activation email, activate each program by clicking on the activation link. The program sites will open in new windows.

    STEP 3
    Complete the following tasks for each of the program sites.

  • Login to the program.
  • Surf the necessary number of pages on the program to get your 9000 joining credits moving.
  • aWolf and Zion Traffic programs only : Enter your TrafficExchangeMatrix URL as the website that you want to promote, and allocate all of your autosurf credits to your TrafficExchangeMatrix URL. Your TrafficExchangeMatrix URL should look like this -


    (Replace the "####" with your user information contained in your TrafficExchangeMatrix activation email. You can also find this number on the TrafficExchangeMatrix website after you have logged in)

    STEP 4
    After your TrafficExchangeMatrix URL has been approved by the autosurf programs (aWolf and Zion Traffic), you will start accumulating manual surf credits in your TrafficExchangeMatrix account. Use these manual surf credits to promote your programs of choice.

    That was not too difficult, was it?

    After you have seen what happens when you show your TrafficExchangeMatrix URL thousands of times, consider the potential for showing your "Advertpage" over 500,000 times. Your "Advertpage" promotes 4 excellent manual exchanges, 2 banner exchanges, and a TextAd exchange AT THE SAME TIME. Just like you received TrafficExchangeMatrix credits for showing the TrafficExchangeMatrix referral page, you will receive credits on 6 different programs just for showing your "Advertpage".